i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Queenie: Hahahas, i don't luh! I wish i do :x
I wanna experiment with my eyeshadow colours!
I'm sick of the ones i kept using. Blah.
Kris: Hey, i don't rmb cos i lost all my links when my comp crashed.
Boo: Eh? my friend just give birth? Who?
Miu: Lol, i look like crap in school please!
Hahahas, Say hi next time! :D
Ver: I think it'll be fine! Maybe try with a small bit 1st?
Nicole: Hahahas, i am bad at it!
YY: Rong zu er?! LOL!
How come suddenly i look like rong zu er!
Coraine: Whoops. Hahahas, have busy and waiting for
people to send me photos and stuff! Hehehe.
Lala: Thank you! Heheh.
Bebedee: Eh, don't rmb leh. but it's very cheap only luh. (:
Ling: Hahahs, Jasmine's foundation?
We used maybelline's 2 way cake,
applied all over with a wet sponge.
Missyjade: Hahahs, Glamourous? Ok lar! Hahahas.
Queenie: You mean the powder i used for the
shoot or my normal powder? (:
Miee: hahas, the spree closed already,
you can check back on spreehouse.lj , sprees_sg.lj
Look out for nordstrom or macy spree. (:
Mystery: Don't know what kinda reply
are you expecting from me thou. (:
Reader: Hahahs, i've no idea leh. Never heard of it before.
But.. why do you wanna do a makeover there?
Meme: Hello there! Hahahs, yes the song is
recorded by me and my boyf! (:
Coraine: Why is it so shocking? :D
I look to know who my readers are too! Heh
Hahahas, i'm damn scared of chihwahwa luh!
But he/she's so cute!
And.. do link me! (:
Shermine: Hahahas, read below!
:): Hahhahas, Sometimes i use registered mail if the value is higher!
Hmm so far only one lost mail leh!
Li ling: Coogi flowertox, BRTC whitening, Skin79 (:
you can google it to see how the packaging looks like.
Jessmiex: Hahahas, i was suppose to go with jess.
But last min i wasn't feel well, So i gave it a miss!
Hahahas, but i watched wall-E already! So cuuuuute.
:): Heheheh, thank you for your compliments!
Ker: Hahahas, from a spree!
Heidi: Coogi flowertox, BRTC whitening, Skin79 (:
you can google it to see how the packaging looks like.
Sylvia: Hahahahs, Very cheap right!
Xinyi: Hahahs, i think the best is still use a
makeup remover to remove everything.
Cos you will still use loose powder to set the BB cream,
So you have to remove it at the end of the day too. (:
Curiouspasser: Hahahs, def better deals online!
And i hate shopping in singapore. (:
Nothing special to buy in singapore leh!
plus the hoooot weather etc.
Think of going out already.. sian.. hahahas!
Bao: Hahahas it's a good thing!
Better than i blog blog blog then no comments,
like talking to the wall! :D
Hifidelis: Hello back! Hahahahs
Erm, you know like those ribbed tops like those topshop jersey?
You can just use an old one,
and just cut a patch out from the jersey top!
Blogger: Thanks for your comments. (:
Hello: Hey babe, the spree ended like a long long time ago.
You can always check back to the spree communities to
check if there's new bb cream sprees.
Girl: Hey, i don't rmb cos i lost all my links
when my comp crashed.
You can spree for bb cream samples here.
Just buy afew packs and squeeze into a 5 gram jar. (:
i bought 3 BRTC samples and now i'm still not even thru my 1st packet!
I am so sick of answering the same qn for like
.. a thousand time?!
How did i get to know my boyf:
Hahahas, it was kinda retarded.
4 years ago he msged me on friendster.
And his message was like really lame?
Lol, then i saw his primary photo and he looked damn dark,
Like malay even! (No offense to malays! Just my way of describing yah.)
Then i was like, ehhh, weird weird one.
Then i just ignored and he keep sending the same msg for like a couple times?!
Lol, wth.
So i was like, hmmm since you're so persistent, i just reply you loh!
Then we were chatting on msn soon after,
And he always on webcam for me to see his big head!
Hahahahas, And i'll always bug him to show me his doggies!
And, i fell in love with...
HIS DOOOOOOGS! Soooooo cute!
Oh wells, after chatting him for like 1 mth plus?
He asked me to meet him, and i did!
And i brought my auntie along..
Hahahahas, okay, not what you're thinking now ok!
My auntie is like the same age as me lar!
Anyway, that night he asked me to be his girlfriend already.
And he was my 1st boyfriend ok!
So i was like pretty curious how is it like bring in a r/s..
So i agreeeeeed! But the way he ask, Damn unromantic loh!
He's going to kill me for saying this. Heh. :x
And so.. it's gonna be our 4th year anniversary soon!
how can 4 years pass so quickly?! OMG!
The other day the owner of,
Brenda emailed me and told me that she used my name
as one of her dresses for her newest collection.
LOL! So fuuuuuunny can?!
...But i'm only worth 26SGD..
*Sit one corner and pouts.*
I think this was like, last week?
Or last last week? I'm not suuuure!
Bad memory bad memory!
Jessica asked me to go to the nuffnang ShoverOk! event with her!
Was suppose to meet her and nadnut for lunch before that,
But had lunch with boyf instead. (:
When i reached vivocity they were at Thai Accents,
Jess & nadnut! Let's go eat it agaaaaaain.
Hahahas, the "bathroom" smells like dove!
and the showerhead are the microphones.
LOL! Jessica wanted to sing eternal flame!
Suuuuuper oldschool! Hahahahahs.
The other day boyf and i was craving for craaaabs!
So we went to the crab place at serangoon
and we wanted to order one buttercrab!
But because the owner of the crab place knew boyf's brother.
He told us he will give us another crab for freeeee!
Very generous can?! Normally we buy one crab, 70plus.
That day 2 crabs for 70plus!
We brought the crabbies home and eat while
watching a japanese drama Zettai Kareshi, 絶対彼氏.
I remember the story vaguely cos i read the
comic when i was in like, sec 2?
Hahahahs, i was in a love comic crazed phrase then. :x
It's about a girl who bought a robot,
A love robot, and she can choose the characteristic of the robot.
The guy acting as the robot is so cuuuuute.
In the drama he did so much sweet things that
made me and boyf go: " awwww, so sweeeeeeet."
the both of us eat crab eat until full loh!
I can't believe we finish watching all 11 episodes within one day!
Just sat there for like 11 hours and kept watching and watching.
The ending was like.. sad as hell. ):
I feel like borrowing the comic and re-read it lar.
Anybody have this song?
If you have it please send it to pretty pleaaaase~
Met up with photographer and makeup artist for an
upcoming creative makeup shoot on sunday.
I'm so so so so excited! She showed me all her falsies,
Those super kua zhang type for creative makeup.
I am soooo looking forward to it!
More photos from the shoot at jessica's house last week! (:


Have a shoot tmr and on saturday!
Ka-chinnnnng! $$
Sigh, I'm feel really down right now.
Just want to be left alone, why is everything i do always wrong?
Am i always doing all the wrong things?
I don't even wanna say anything anymore..
Just shut up and do everything the way you like it
and whatever you want.
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves.
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